Saturday, January 12, 2008

Me and My Mission

Hello world!

Chances are, no one's probably going to be interested in what I do or how I do it so this blog will probably turn out to be some sort of an online diary for me. Hopefully, one day I'll be able to come back here and read through the long and arduous road to where I eventually want to be.

And where is it that I want to be?

I want to represent my country in international competition in the Triathlon event.

Ridiculous you say? Maybe... if you hail from a Western nation or an Oceania nation. I'm lucky enough to be from a country that is less than competitive in the field of Triathlon. Even within our weak region we rank close to the bottom.

Does this mean that this is a simple task?

Unfortunately not. I've never done a Triathlon before. My background was in swimming and I swam for three years in college (not very strongly at that). I started training for a marathon a few years back and I've never cycled competitively before. So yes, I've got quite a ways to go. But from these humble beginnings, I'm hoping to make something out of myself and maybe this blog will be able to keep track of my journey.

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