Monday, January 14, 2008

Recovery Week! Yay!

Three long weeks of of pain... finally some respite! Oh the joys of a recovery week! What makes this even better is that these coming 7 days of relative 'vegging out' is PART OF THE PLAN. Yes, this rest period is supposed to make me stronger and ready for.... another three weeks of pain. So when I run 4 miles instead of 7, there's no guilt associated with it cuz I'm SUPPOSED to do it.

Do the wonders never end?

Anyway, I woke up at my leisure this morning. Unfortunately, I didn't sleep too well. It must be the spectre of another chapter of my life coming to a close that disturbed my slumber. I grind through the day looking forward to my evening swim.

I get to the pool at 6.30 PM and for some odd reason everyone there this evening is a veritable monster. The dude next to me is a tri instructor and he's hitting 1:20 splits. The girl on the other side is doing IM's non-stop. I managed to put on my blinders and focus on my workout.

2600 yards later I get out of the pool with a question in my head. Should triathletes do flip turns while training? I always seem to tire a lot faster doing them. And even though you can argue that it helps breathing technique and oxygen debt might be good to increase the concentration of red blood cells, wouldn't breathing less frequently have the same effect? Why go out of your way to execute an action that will have no bearing on your races at all when all it's potential benefits can be substituted in a controlled manner?

This seems like a job for the folks over at ST.

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