Sunday, January 13, 2008

My first Computrainer Ride!

So I've been cycling for 2 months now! I got my new Canondale road bike in November and have been trying to ride on my 1UP USA trainer as much as possible. Unfortunately, I've never really biked competitively before so this has been a painful process. Over the weeks, I've been slowly upping my mileage till I hit 95 miles the past week.

I decided to sign up for a 10 week cycling class that will have us do training on a Computrainer. And man... those things are sweet. I love numbers and boy do they have numbers!

So we did a 40 minute time trial and I managed to maintain a 202 average wattage. I about died at the end. I found this little excerpt on google:

"Mr. Armstrong, for example, can maintain a power output of about 6.8 watts per kilogram of body weight for 20 minutes"

I believe mine was 2.8 watts per kilogram for 40 minutes. 6.8 ?!!??!?!? That's not human. I guess I have a ways to go.

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